Special Request Form – Venue, Time & Team Clashes Back to Rules & Regs This form is for fixture requests relating to times, venues or avoiding clashes between certain teams.Do not use this form for bye requests. If you are human, leave this field blank.This form is to make a fixture request for your team at the Sport for All Centres. Please ensure your request is submitted well in advance of the requirement and note that we will try to accommodate requests but cannot guarantee we will be able to.Requests will not be considered once fixtures have been issued or the published deadline for requests has been passed. Submit one form for each team affected and if requests are needed on different dates, submit one form for each. Do not bulk requests into one form for multiple teams and dates as they may get missed. Below are the deadlines for requests for JUNIOR NETBALL for the Summer Season 25. We will not consider requests submitted after these deadlines.Sunday 12th January (for fixtures 16th Feb to 23rd Mar) Sunday 23rd Feb (for fixtures 30th Mar to 11h May) Sunday 13th Apr (for fixtures 18th May to 22nd Jun) Sunday 25th May (for fixtures 29th Jun to 20th Jul – end of season) Which Venue is the request for? *Select Bury Centre for all venues for the Bury junior netball league. Select Warrington Centre for all venues for the Warrington junior netball league.Bury (Philips High School)Oldham (Newbridge School)Stockport (Reddish Vale High School)Warrington (Sir Thomas Boteler CE High School)Your Name *Your team nameSubmit one form for each team affectedEmail *Your phone number *Nature of request *Tick all that apply - DO NOT USE THIS FORM TO REQUEST BYESGame time requestVenue requestAvoid clash with other teams requestOtherWhich Bury league is the request for? *No selectionMonday ladies' netballMonday mixed netballTuesday ladies' netballWednesday ladies' netballThursday men's basketballThursday ladies' netballFriday junior basketballSaturday junior basketballSaturday mixed adults basketballSunday junior netballWhich Oldham league is the request for? *No selectionMonday ladies' netballTuesday ladies' netballWednesday ladies' netballThursday mixed netballThursday ladies' netballFriday junior / senior basketballSaturday junior basketballSaturday mixed adults basketballSunday junior netballWhich Stockport league is the request for? *No selectionMonday ladies' netballTuesday ladies' netballWednesday ladies' netballWednesday women's basketballWednesday & Thursday men's basketballThursday & Friday junior basketballSaturday junior basketballSaturday mixed adults basketballSunday junior netballWhich Warrington league is the request for? *No selectionMonday ladies' netballTuesday men's basketballTuesday mixed basketballWednesday ladies' netballThursday women's basketballThursday ladies' netballFriday junior basketballSaturday junior basketballSunday junior netballSunday ladies' netballWhich age group? *No selectionSchool years 1&2School years 3&4School years 5&6School years 7&8School years 9&10Under 16sUnder 17sUnder 18sUnder 19sUnder 20sUnder 21sAdultDates for requestFor all dates through the seasonFor a specific dateWhat is the date you are making a request for?Provide details of your requestWhat is the reason for the request? *How many players are affected? *Is the coach affected? *YesNoCaptcha *For security verification, please enter any random two digit number. For example: 76Submit